As you know, I have been making a Tudor dollhouse during some time. You can see all the process visiting the two previous posts.
In this post I want to let you the instructions and plans of my Tudor furniture.
Empezamos con los muebles que están bajo las ventanas de la planta baja.
El de la izquierda es un mueble de principios del siglo XVI, utilizado en las iglesias para guardar los objetos de la liturgia.
Let’s start with the furniture that is under the windows of the ground floor.
The one on the left is a piece of furniture from the beginning of the 16th century, used in churches to keep the objects of the liturgy.
El mueble de la derecha es una alacena. Este tipo de mueble solía estar colgado, para preservar mejor los alimentos, sin embargo, para no tapar los frescos de las paredes, he preferido dejarlo en el suelo.
The furniture on the right is a cupboard. This type of furniture used to be hung, to preserve food better, however, to avoid covering the frescoes on the walls, I preferred to leave it on the floor. In this link you have all the process.
Sobre la mesa de refectorio, he puesto un soporte colgado, sobre el que se pueden guardar objetos de cocina y del que cuelgan unos embutidos y un faisán, hecho con pasta de secado al aire, pinturas acrílicas y plumas.
Over the refectory table, I have placed a hung support, on which contains some stuff like kitchen objects, sausages and a pheasant, made with air-drying clay, acrylic paints and some feathers.
The tools of the fireplace, are made with welded galvanized wire. I used a battery-powered Led candle to make the fire.
Para hacer la iluminación de la casa, compré unos faroles Led de pie y de pared, y les quité la parte de arriba, dejando las bombillas desnudas. Con papel pantalla, que es un papel translúcido, corté unas pequeñas tiras que enrollé y pegué y simulando ser velas. Hice tres modelos diferentes.
To make the lighting of all the house, I bought some standing and wall Led lanterns, and I removed the top part, leaving the bulbs naked. With screen paper, which is a translucent paper, I cut some small strips that I rolled and pasted pretending to be candles. I made three different models.
La silla Savonarola, la de hall, la mesa y los bancos de refectorio son kits de Arjen Spinhoven. No son de madera propiamente, si no que es un aglomerado algo feo, de modo que hay que pintar los muebles.
Yo he usado un marrón chocolate y después les he dado cera.
The Savonarola chair, the hall chair, the table and the refectory benches are kits from Arjen Spinhoven They are not made of wood, but rather an ugly chipboard, so you have to paint the furniture. I used a chocolate brown and then I aplied wax.
To make the bed, first I used a pyrographer before assembling.
The chest is called a six board chest, it is pyrographed on the outside with the same motifs as the bed, and inside with a knight and a dragon. It has hinges on the inside, and on the outside I also simulated large hinges and rivets that I made with a metallic band from a bottle of wine.
La mesilla es muy fácil de hacer y sólo viendo las fotos lo podéis comprobar.
The sidetable is so easy that only by looking the photographs it is clear how to do it.
The medieval washbasin is made with turned wood legs and an octagonal board. The water container is a wooden ball painted in gold, it hangs over the basin, which is made of thick paper. I have imitated the small deformations that were made on the metal surfaces to give them consistency. I have done it with the botton of a brush.
El retrete portatil es otro arcón de seis tablas con un asiento de cartón forrado de tela.
The portable toilet is another chest of six tables with a cardboard seat lined with fabric.
Como veis los muebles no son complicados de hacer, y una buena opción si no se os da bien tallar la madera, es pirograbar. Espero que os sea útil esta información.
Un fuerte abrazo y gracias por estar ahí.
As you can see the furniture is not complicated to make, and a good option if you are not good at carving the wood, is pyrography.
I hope you find this information useful.
A warm hug and thank you for being there.