We can start changing the world on a small scale in our daily lives, by making life more pleasant for others, empathizing with people problems, helping to find solutions; then we can continue on a half scale, denouncing injustices, publicly showing our solidarity with the victims of any abuse; and finally, on a large scale, we can change the world by fighting against corrupt governments that allows or promotes injustics. All of us are outraged, and we must continue fighting for being listened, our lifes are in it, so we must not give up, though the media use to ignore us and talk about us only when violence erupts.
No need to be an "anti-sistem" as the media likes to say, to see how unjust are the options that governments offer, just remember what our Constitutions say or the Declaration of Human Rights to see that there is a better possible world invented years ago.
I show you the step by step of a scene that represents my solidarity with all those people who try to change the world. A scene depicting a local in an alley, a suspected dump where perhaps there is a group of people plotting a revolution.
To mimic the asphalt, I applied lack mica putty with a spatula, I bought it in a Fine Arts store.
La pared de ladrillos está pintada con varios tonos rojizos de acrílico, y una pátina final con esponja de acrílicos blanco y marrón muy aguado para homogeneizar el tono.
I made the bricks wall and the sidewalk with foam board, and I coated their surfaces with several layers of gesso in order to harden.
To paint the sidewalk, I applied with sponge, black and white acrylic at the same time.
The brick wall is painted with various acrylic reds, and a final patina with very watery white and bround acrylic to homogenize the hole tone.
La puerta y la ventana están hechas con diferentes maderas. Las he pintado primero en marrón, y después con tonos anaranjados y azulados buscado distintos efectos de óxido.
El cristal de la ventana es un acetato rígido con unos periódicos sucios en miniatura.
The door and window are made of different woods painted in brown first and then, with orange and blue tones to get some oxide effects.
The window glass is a rigid acetate with some dirty miniature newspapers.
I copied the design on the wall of graffiti that had previously designed, and painted with acrylics.
He añadido unos cables, un timbre, unos números grandes de madera, una lámpara hecha con partes de un bolígrafo y una campanilla; he añadido una bicicleta, una rayuela dibujada con tiza, unas cajas de pizza, varios carteles y un contenedor de basura...
I added some wires on the facade, a bell, two large wooden numbers, a lamp made with parts of a pen and a bell, a bicycle, a chalk hopscotch, two pizza boxes, several posters and a trash container, a stain of ...
Ihope you like it.
Thank you for being there. I'll see you on the streets.