I really like all of those buildings restored with a care balance between old and new. Buildings where man can perceive a new air, without masking the passing of years. Places recreated as they were floating in the time, without being clear about the time they belong.
I like to think that it the same to my miniatures, It's difficult to know if they belong to the past or to the present.
Este año hice un viaje a Flandes, y me encantó disfrutar de sus ciudades más emblemáticas, con sus centros históricos plagados de tiendas y negocios de todo tipo. Ese viaje, sembró en mí el germen de la escena que hoy os muestro: una diminuta pastelería quizás en uno de esos locales restaurados en el centro histórico de alguna ciudad europea.
This year I made a trip to Flanders, and I loved to enjoy its most iconic cities, with theirs historic centers full of shops and businesses of all kinds. That trip planted the seed of the scene I show you today: a tiny bakery perhaps in one of those restored buildings in the historic center of an European city.
I worked each MDF board separately to assembly them later. I made the wall surfaces with a template, wall putty and also acrilic varrnish.
He pintado las paredes con esponja y colores rojizos, intentando dar el máximo realismo.
I painted the walls using a sponge and reddish colours, trying to be realistic.
Después, he utilizado masilla de carpintero para las juntas de los ladrillos mediante una jeringuilla aunque no de forma homogénea y también creando algunas manchas amplias en la pared con una paletina.
Esta masilla, se hace con madera, de modo que tiene un color y una textura terrosa que recuerda al revoque tradicional. Si os resulta muy clara, siempre se puede teñir con pintura muy diluida.
After that, I applied unevenly carpenter putty (this is a mixture of glue and sawdust) in the brick joints with a syringe. I also used a palette to create bigger areas os putty.
This putty is made of wood, so it has an earthy color and the texture reminds the traditional plaster. If you find it too clear, you can always dye it with very thin paint.
Por dentro también he utilizado esta masilla en una de las paredes. La otra pared la he empapelado con un papel de diseños adamascados que podéis encontrar aquí y el suelo está forrado con listones de madera, pintado de blanco y lijado
Inside, I have also used this putty in one of the walls. The other wall is covered with a damask paper that you can find here , and the floor is covered with strips of wood, painted white and sanded.
Una vez ensambladas los tres tableros, he dado masilla de carpintero en la esquina exterior para ocultar la unión. Por dentro he colocado las vigas teñidas de roble.
After assambling the three boards, I spreaded putty outside on the corner to hide the joint. Inside, I placed the oak beams.
I made a ceiling lamp with wire, jewelry ornaments, LEDs, and three lampshades, also I used paper leafs for decorating. For hiding the wire, I wraped a white cotton fabric.
The roof is a wood structure where the lamp is fixed. The battery stays outside, so I made the tiles and two pieces of corrugated cardboard to hide it, simulating uralite and painted with acrylics.
El mostrador está hecho con cartón de montaje de 5 mm de grosor, forrado con madera de balsa en la parte exterior y con papel en el interior y algunos adornos
The counter is made of 5 mm thick foam cardboard , lined outside with balsa wood and inside with paper, and some ornaments.
I also made a auxiliary piece of furniture to put the dishes, tablecloths, cutlery, etc. I made the structure by welding wire, and I added the boards made of polo sticks and the metallic baskets of wire mesh.
Para hacer las bandejas elevadas, hice unos moldes con silicona de unos candelabros y una filigrana de bisutería. Después los llené con resina de cristal, sacando las burbujas de aire con un alfiler.
Finalmente, añadí los últimos detalles, como cuadros, una escultura de una jirafa dorada...
Finally, some details were added, like the pictures, ... a golden sculpture of a giraffe...
...three big glasses for sweets
...some sweets made of fimo and fimo canes and painted with glass paint
...the cash register...
... las cajas de cartón y las bolsas de papel...
... all the boxes and paper bags...
Gracias por vuestros comentarios y vuestro interés.
Un abrazo
I hope you liked it and you have learned somethng :-)
Thank you for your comments and your interest.