This scene apears in the magazine "Miniaturas" of this month, and you will understand the tittle of this post because to make it, I started with the roof, which does not seem very professional according to the traditional proverbs. (This spanish proverb means to build the house from the roof first and not from the foundation , and it has its equivalent in English, “Put the cart before the horse”)
The structure of beams is made with thick balsa wood. Above it, thiner wood sheets, and on these sheets, tiles of fake slate flakes. You can see the slate tutorial here.
Sobre ellas he pegado cartón pluma de 1 cm de ancho para poder esconder por detrás los cables de la instalación eléctrica.
Ambas superficies las he cubierto con madera de balsa fina a modo de tablones, además, en una de ellas he colocado la puerta y en la otra una ventana.
The walls of the diorama, are made with MDF.
On one of the walls I glued 1 cm wide foam board to hide the wiring.
I have covered both foam board surfaces with thin wood strips. One of them has the door under the roof and the other has a window.
Con el un poquito más del ancho del porche, he realizado unos escalones de cartón pluma y los he forrado con madera, el espacio interior servirá para guardar la pila.
With a bit more of the porch width, I made the steps of foam board and I covered with wood. The interior has a little space to hide the switch and the battery.
I painted green the door and the window. The decorated non-working hinges are made with an item of jewelery cut in half.
To get a deteriorated appearance of the walls ,first I applied oak color dye in some areas. After that I applied brown acrilic paint in some areas and the first phase of a crackle product here and there, next, white paint and finally, the second phase of the crackle product. To get tiny cracks, I applied heat with a craft dryer.
El suelo está hecho con masilla plástica tapa-grietas y una plantilla. Lo he pintado a esponja con colores ocres. Y en la pared de la ventana, aunque no se va a ver mucho por haber una cortina, he pegado una fotografía con un interior para darle algo de profundidad.
The floor is made with plastic putty and a stones template. I painted it using a sponge. On the wall of the window, I glued a picture with an interior to give it some visual depth even though it is not possible to see a lot through the curtains.
Tras ensamblar los tres tableros, he pegado las fachadas con los cables por detrás y la pila y el interruptor en la parte de abajo, bajo la escalera de entrada.
Para hacer los canalones, he usado estaño y soldadura metálica en frío para pegar las partes. En las tuberías también, aunque interior es un tubo de silicona, para que no pierda la forma cilíndrica.
Uno de los canalones lleva una cadena para conducir el agua al suelo sin salpicar, y el otro se conecta a la tubería.
También he realizado otro canalón para ponerlo bajo la ventana como jardinera.
To make the roof gutters, I used tinfoil and to glue them, two-component adhesive for metals. In the pipe too, but inside it there is a silicone tube to keep the cylindrical shape.
I put a chain in one of the roof gutters to drive the water to the ground, and inside, moss.
I also made another gutter to put under the window as a gardener.
I made the foil that covers the joint between the porch and the wall with tin.
Los faroles y el buzón están hechos con papel grueso de acuarela, alambre y pintura acrílica.
The lanterns and the mailbox are made with thick watercolor paper, wire and acrylic paint.
Para imitar los diferentes efectos metálicos con pinturas acrílicas os recomiendo este enlace y este otro.
To mimic different metallic effects with acrylic paints I recommend this link and this one.
He hecho los parterres usando papel con musgo, del que se vende en Navidad, y unas piedrecillas rectangulares de un coleccionable.
I made the parterres using paper with moss, which is sold at Christmas, and rectangular stones of a collectable.
Con latón y unos abalorios he realizado un móvil que cuelga de uno de los canalones.
With brass and some beads I made a mobile hanging from one of the roofgutters.
Finally I put a rocking chair in front of the door very distressed by the weather, and on it , a jewel that I bought at the Online Miniatures Show in spanish. It is one of those little treasures that I am buying little by little for my own enjoyment. This shawl is really beautifully crafted by Minis de Auxi.
Como ya sabéis mis escenas las podéis adquirir en mi página de ETSY y también el próximo fin de semana en la Feria on-line de Miniaturas en Español, donde podréis encontrar buenos descuentos. Recordad nos vemos los días 3,4 y 5 de octubre
You know that you can purchase my scenes in my ETSY page and also, the next weekend in the Spanish on-line miniature fair, where you can find good discounts.
Remember we are on 3, 4 and 5 October.