I wanted to recreate an old kitchen making the most of the architectural aspects and the textures of the different surfaces: stucco wall, clay tiled floor, hydraulic tiles for a wall, wood...
Además de la riqueza de texturas en una composición, creo que es interesante añadir elementos arquitectónicos que rompan con la homogeneidad de una pared. Estos elementos no sólo añaden veracidad, si no que amplían el espacio visual y resaltan unas zonas sobre otras aportando interés. Además pueden servir para esconder una pequeña instalación eléctrica.
In addition to the wealth of textures in a composition, I think it is interesting to add architectural elements that break the homogeneity of the walls. These elements not only add accuracy, but also they expand the visual space and emphasize some areas. In addition, those elements can also be used to hide a small electrical installation.
After assembling three MDF boards, I did the floor by cutting 15 mm squares of thick paper covered with plastic putty (used to fill the cracks in the 1:1 walls). After after been glued the tiles I painted they with a sponge with earthy colors to get the look of the clay. Then I applied at least four layers of plastic varnish to protect . Them, I spread with a finger the plastic putty in the spaces between tiles, immediately cleaning with a wet cloth the excess.
To make the wall with hydraulic tiles, I used a photo editing program to make a composition with different tile designs. after printing they in high resolution, I protected the image with spray varnish. Them I glued the paper on a thick paper and cut out each tile. After gluing them separately to the wall, I applied several layers of plastic varnish to waterproof and them I spread with a finger the plastic putty in the spaces between tiles, immediately cleaning with a wet cloth the excess.
En la otra pared apliqué aguaplast dejando libre el hueco de la puerta.
I made from balsa wood a small rustic oak door with a lattice. On the other wall I applied plastic putty, except the space of the his door.
I made with foam board an arched structure reinforced inside. I covered it with plastic putty and when it was dried I glued it to the wall and covered again with putty on the boards.
I painted the two walls with a sponge by mixing various tones of red and yellow.
Cubrí las paredes estucadas y la piedra con alkil para proteger la superficie. Después espolvoreé talco y lo limpié de este modo se elimina el brillo del alkil
With plastic putty and foam board and made a stone slab and glued it in its place.
I covered the stucco walls and the slab with plastic varnish to protect the surface. Them, I sprinkled talcum powder and cleaned to eliminate the varnish shine.
I applied a coat of nail polish to the hydraulic tiles.
I placed the door of the cupboard on the wall, its frame, the baseboards and the wooden frieze.
With a glass tulip, two bells from a mobile, and a LED I made a lamp whose battery is hidden inside the arc.
La cocina, la pinté en negro con manchas de óxido, buscando que pareciera de hierro. (Pintura acrílica negra y marrón a esponja, cera con betún de Judea, y un poco de sombra de ojos dorada)
The stove is painted in black with the stains of rusty looking for the apearance of cast iron. (Black and brown acrylic paint with a sponge, wax with bitumen of Judea, and a bit of golden eyes shades)
I made a shelf with popsicle sticks and a wood beautifier, a basket for firewood following a tutorial of Kris Compas, cloths, a tribet...and I added a few more accessories to liven up the scene, a stool with a basket of bread, a side table with a coffee set, a homemade preserves, a scale, a box of pastas, flowers ...
Un abrazo y gracias por estar ahí.
I hope this post will help you to know how to get different texture with simple, easy to find and inexpensive materials.
Hugs and thanks for being there.