First of all I want to thank you all your messages of good wishes this Christmas besides your support throughout the year that passed so much energy and encouragement to me. It is very exciting to get so many signs of affection from people who I barely know. I feel that I am really connectet to you through this exciting world.
El otoño es mi época favorita, y aunque ya estamos en pleno invierno, más se me esta pareciendo a un otoño seco que a un verdadero invierno. No hace mucho frío, hay arboles que aún conservan sus hojas marrones y amarillas, y las cumbres de Gredos desde este lado (la provincia de Cáceres) están tardando en cubrirse de nieve.
Autumn is my favorite season, and although we are in the middle of winter, It is looking alike a dry autumn than a real winter. It is not cold, the trees still retain their brown and yellow leaves, and the summits of Gredos from this side (Cáceres) are taking time to be covered with snow.
So the scene that I bring you today, though autumnal, it is still valid. I tried to reflect how any common scene in autumn becomes a colors spectacle. I tried to represent a terrace of a tea room where you can have breakfast while contemplating how a dense ivy loses its extreme greenery to dress itself of autumn.
El suelo del diorama está hecho con masilla plástica y una plantilla. La textura de la piedra se consigue con unos toquecitos con una bolsa de plástico arrugada antes de retirar la plantilla.
Cuando hubo secado le di alkil, pinté de negro, volví a dar alkil y antes de que secara, polvos de talco.
The floor of the diorama is made of plastic putty and a template. The stone texture is achieved with some pats with a crumpled plastic bag before removing the template.
When it was dry, I applied gave Alkyl, painted black, again Alkyl and talco powder.
Forré las paredes de la esquina con papel decorado y madera. Para el suelo del negocio hice la base con cartón pluma grueso cubierto con cuadrados de madera (de manualidades) teñido y al natural dispuesto en damero. Después he blanqueado ligeramente con pintura acrílica aguada y retirándola rápidamente antes de que seque.
I covered the walls of the corner with decorated paper and wood. For the floor I made a base with thick foam board covered with squares of wood (from crafts) dyed and natural as a checkerboard. Then I whitenet slightly with watery acrylic paint, removing it quickly before it dries.
The base of the facade is made of foam board, but the bricks are made with plastic putty on a watercolor paper, to avoid the foam board warping by moisture.
Using wire, jewelery ornaments, paper flowers and leaves I made a chandelier with three arms.
I made the lattice and the ornament to hang the business name welding galvanized wire.
Para hacer el parterre, utilicé un papel con musgo pegado que se vende para belenes, Clavé las flores y las sujeté por debajo. Después pegué este papel bien al suelo, y dispuse unas piedras alrededor.
To make the flower bed, I used a paper with moss and nailed flowers. After gluing this piece of paper to the floor I placed some stones around.
Para hacer la hiedra, primero fijé bien las ramas del alambre enrollado con papel a la pared y pinté sobre la pared algunas ramas adicionales.
Pinté con esponja y pintura acrílica dos folios por los dos lados, con diferentes tonos de verde, marrón, rojos y rosas, y con una troqueladora en forma de hoja fui cortando hojas y disponiéndolas de abajo a arriba, para que caigan unas sobre otras.
To make the ivy, first I glued the wire wrapped with paper to the wall, and also I painted some secundary branchs.
I painted the two sides os two sheets of paper with different colours from green to orange, and I cut the leaves with a punch cutter and placed them to the wall from bottom to top.
I did a paper lantern, whose cable is hidden by the leaves. To multiply the light from the lantern, I put inside a piece of sheet of mirror. The batery is under the roof.
Para hacer los indicadores de la tienda, he usado elementos de scrapbooking de madera.
I made the shop sign with scrapbooking wood elements.
Hice el mostrador del interior con cartón pluma y lo forré con madera de balsa. Los adornos son trozos de adornos metálicos de bisutería.
I made the counter with foam board covered with balsa wood and pieces of metal jewelry ornaments.
La estantería está hecha con palos de polo y algunos elementos de madera.
The shelving is made with polo sticks and wooden elements.
La pizarra está hecha con madera de balsa y flores de papel.
The board is made of balsa wood and paper flowers.
Para hacer las sillas y la mesa del exterior, soldé alambre galvanizado para los respaldos y los curvé suavemente para que no se rompan las soldaduras.
Las patas de las sillas son alambres de las botellas de sidra, y el asiento está hecho con las tapaderas de unas botellas de agua. Como son de aluminio, no se puede soldar al alambre, pero si se lija y se utiliza soldadura en frío de dos componentes, queda perfecto.
La mesa está hecha con alambre galvanizado y con un adorno de madera de scrapbooking.
The chair legs are wires from cider bottles, and the seats are made with the lids of bottles of water. As they are made of aluminum, they can not be welded to the wire, but if you sand them and use two-components adhesive the result is perfect.
The table is made of galvanized wire with a wooden ornament from scrapbooking.
Os deseo un año magnífico, lleno de creatividad, salud, trabajo, solidaridad, amor...y muuuucha paciencia.
Un abrazo y gracias por vuestro inestimable apoyo.
I wish you a great year, full of creativity, health, work, solidarity, love ...and a looooot of patience.
A big hug and thanks for your inestimable support.