This is my last tutorial in the Advent calendar 2015 suggested by Matxalen. A fireplace. The interesting thing is that we can adapt its size and shape to any space we have.
To make this fireplace I glued on a cardboard 5 mm thick some pieces of metal jewelry and other items of wood.
He aplicado un par de capas de gesso para imprimar y dar una textura ligeramente rugosa.
I applied a couple of coats of gesso for priming and give a slightly rough texture.
Then I painted it black and I gave wax. After cleaning with a cloth, I applied eyeshadow to give a iridescent shine.
He aplicado barniz acrílico en espray para proteger la superficie.
I applied acrylic spray varnish to protect the surface.
Los ladrillos del interior de la chimenea, los he hecho con corcho adhesivo
I bought some LEDs that imitate the light of fire. The batteries are hidden in the chimney
Con este tutorial termina mi participación en el calendario de Adviento de 2015. Todos los tutoriales que he puesto pertenecen a la primera casa que he construido que podréis ver pronto en la revista Miniaturas y después en mi blog.
With this tutorial, I finish my collaboration in the Advent Calendar 2015. All my tutorials belong to the first dollhouse that I have built and you will see soon in the magazine Miniaturas and later in my blog.
Un abrazo y gracias por estar ahí.
I hope you have nice and happy Christmas, and a new year full of good projects