I can not help it, if I spend many days without doing miniatures I am suffering a kind of withdrawall syndrome, and I need to sit in my craftroom even if just a few minutes. This summer, by fits and starts, I managed to do a couple of miniature scenes.
Both scenes have the same size and although they are different, I have developed them simultaneously.
Después pinté a esponja grandes manchas de humedades en la parte baja de ambas fachadas.
First I did the fronts with foam board, I cut the openings of windows and doors and I covered the surface with wall putty for filling cracks
After that, I painted with a sponge large damp stains on the bottom of both facades.
I designed doors and windows with balsa wood, and after painting them I placed them in their respective openings.
I painted the walls by the wax thechnique with white acrylic, leaving some chipped areas. In this link you can see how it works for painting furniture.
Tras pintarlos, apliqué alkil para protegerlos y polvos de talco para eliminar los brillos poco naturales.
I also did the floor with wall putty for filling craks and different templates.
After painting them, I applied Alkyl (a plastic and transparent varnish) to protect them and I sprinkled talcum powder to remove the unnatural shine. Then, I assembled the MDF boards with sticks.
Coloqué láminas de acetato en las ventanas y también cortinas y persianas.
I placed the acetates sheet behind the windows and also curtains and blinds.
Antes de pegar las fachadas a sus respectivos tablones MDF, coloqué en el interior y en el exterior las luces oportunas: una lámpara está hecha con pasta de modelar de secado al aire y un tubo transparente y la otra, es un charm con un acetato detrás y pintado con pintura de vitral.
También añadí algunos detalles como un macetero o una aldaba en la puerta roja.
Before gluing the facades to the respective MDF board, I placed inside and outside the appropriate lights: a lamp is made with modeling air drying clay and a transparent tube; the other is a charm with an acetate behind it and painted with stained glass paint.
I also added some details like a pot or knocker on red door
Also before gluing the fronts, I made two movable tabs that will be the roofs, wich can be opened to access to the batteries and switches of each scene.
Después con pintura blanca y verde he pintado manchas de forma aleatoria.
The tiled roof is made of thick watercolor paper. After gluing the tiles, I gave them a couple of coats of gesso and painted with tile color. Then I steined it with brown acrylic in some parts. When it has dried, I used a craft mica paste, mixed with light green and put it with the fingers here and there.
After that, I stained randomly with white and green paint.
You already know how to do a slate roof, but if it is not, link here.
Ya sólo quedaba hacer algunos detalles.
At this point, only some details were needed.
Un rústico banco, nos permite sentarnos a saborear de una taza de té, mientras disfrutamos un atardecer inolvidable.
But who can resist the charm of a Bed and Breckfast in the countryside or in the mountains?
A rustic bench allows us to sit and savour a cup of tea, while enjoying an unforgettable sunset.